Wednesday, November 14, 2012

HW.2 Breaking up:Are you sure?

Questions are the first things that people do to their self before having decisions.Life is full of mystery. You can't predict what will happen to you in a day. But you have a choice to choose what you want. Life is not unfair because even if it gives unpredictable things. It still give you a time to choose.

In breaking up with someone you have reasons and causes which gives effect to you until you arrive at the final decision. But have you ever ask yourself or think many times why you have to do that?

I  read this article about Before the Breakup: 9 Questions to ask Yourself by eHarmony Staff. It was found in the website of In this site, it discuss questions that a person ask his/her self before breaking up with someone. It is about her own reasons or about her partner.This article also shows that a person who is thinking or deciding to have a break up is thinking his decision many times.In reading the article I found 9 questions about breaking up. And those questions are:

  1. Am I just angry?
  • Are you just angry? answering yourself with this question will make you realize if your are making the right decision or not. Emotion is part of a relationship and being angry is a feeling which was felt by one or both of you. If you are making yourself a decision of breaking up because of this feeling. You have to ask yourself.
  1.  Can we work it out?
  • "Do I want to work it out?" is the other question that you should ask to yourself. Can we work it out will not help you to solve or to get the right decision if you cant answer the question if do you want to work it out. In this questions, you will think of the possibilities that working or not working will happen to your relationship.
  1. Am I jumping to conclusions?
  • According to the article"When times get tough, it’s easy for the mind to drift to fantasyland. Don’t get caught up in the “grass is greener” games, concluding that life will be better once you re-enter the land of singleness. Don’t assume your current state of unhappiness is solely the fault of the relationship." 
  1. Did I communicate openly about what I need?
  • This question is about being honest. Did you really told your partner what you want or your expectations?. In this case, maybe you want to break up because what you wanted was not happen. But did he/she know about it?
  1. How will my world change when we split?
  • Enter in a relationship which you and partner are involve in your life. Most of things happen to you was know by him or you are with him. But when you decide to break up, Are you ready for this? Are you ready for the change in your world.And in this question what maybe the changes the will happen and do you want it or are you ready.
  1. Will I regret ending the relationship?
  • "As you’re considering the consequences of breaking up, ask yourself if ending the relationship will be something you’ll ultimately regret. Deep down, do you believe you’re giving up too quickly? Do you still believe, deep down, that he’s “the one”? No one wants a “one that got away.” 
  • Regret is like feeling bad. In this question,You will ask yourself if breaking up with your partner is the best decision. Of course having this decision you will know that you will hurt your partner.  
  1. Is initiating a breakup just playing a game?
  • Most of the relationship you breaking up as a threat which will make there partner sorry for them. But having this threat will not make your relationship closer. Don't use breaking up as a game. It is not good when you are playing emotions.
  1. Is anyone influencing my decision to end the relationship?
  • Is there someone influencing your decision? We can't avoid that there are people who are involve in your relationship and we can't know if all of them are Team Together or Team Break up. In this question, you should analyze the things that people say about your relationship or your partner if it is true or it is just a motive or selfish opinion.
  1. Have I given this relationship my best shot?
  • For me, This is the most important question that you should ask your self.  In a relationship, both of you should give your best to make your relationship work. And when you are going or experiencing a problems which maybe will lead you to break up. You should ask yourself if have you give all your best to make it work.
Breaking up is not a easy decision because if will give a big effect your life and your partner. And that effect will not only temporary but it may also affect your lifetime. So when you are planning to do it make sure that questions was answered and you and your heart was ready for the result.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

HW1: Survey Questions

        Breaking up is decision which people who are in a relationship decide for some reasons. It gives different feeling to both people involve in it. Reasons of Men and Women are the causes why breaking up was choose. In making this paper, I found out that breaking up has different aspects with regards to age, gender, causes and effects, reasons and so on.
     Doing this research about breaking up, I found out that reading articles and searching in internet is not enough to make this paper reliable. I find it hard to know the number of people who do the things that I discussed in my blogs in real life and situation. So I came up to survey questions to found out how many people experience break up and what age bracket does break up most happen. Who most decide the break up, is it the boy, girl or both of them. I would like to know also where an individual most open up there breaking up problems, Is it to their friends, family or others. And I would like to know the things that they do to overcome a break up.
     Having this survey questions, it will answer the questions that the readers of my paper will ask. I will give them reliable sources from true experience because of the answers. I will make the readers know the things and opinions that most people do and have there decisions and came to there own opinion depending on the results that will arrive on my paper.