Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reasons why WOMEN broke up with MEN

Women are known for being very imaginative. Most of women dreams of having a perfect relationship with their right guy in the right time.Women may also known for being dramatic,always complaining and very talkative. But most of all women are known fr being sweet and doing all they can just to make the relationship work.But what if the women chooses to broke up with the man they love? What maybe the reasons why the came to that decision.

When I was doing the blog of Reasons why Men broke up with Women, It also comes to my mind to know what are the reasons why women broke up with men just to be fair and of course as a women it will be also good for me to let my men readers know what are the reasons and defend my gender.

I read this blog The Real Reasons Women Break Up With Men from the website of Community Blog that was written by Christian Marashio. In this article it discuss 11 Reasons why women broke up with men and below are the reasons that was indicated in that article.

1.He's Moody.
           -According to Christian Marashio "Guys hate to be poked and prodded to discuss their feelings. We get that. But shouldn't you feel lucky that you have someone in your life that cares enough and is attentive enough to notice a change in your mood and ask what's up? Rather than get testy with us, why not just tell us you're in a mood and would just prefer to sulk for a bit before opening up. "
Men are known to their image of being strong, not dramatic and straight to the point.But is that always good? Is the women have to understand that attitude always? Women are known for being open. They can't sleep without saying what they want to say especially to the man that they love.But sometimes men are so moody, sometimes they listen to what you say without getting mad and sometimes they get mad even if your not done saying what you want to say. In this attitude that men has, women are tend to lose their patience and in that case they came up to a breaking up decision.

2.He's Bad In Bed.
        -We know that men are the ones who are always longing for sex. Its part of being a man of experiencing sex. But women? How can be their problem of men being bad in bed as part of their reasons in breaking up.

3. He's a Caveman
       -As what all know Men are not expressive and they don't want long conversation but as a boyfriend to his girlfriend its his responsibility to at least have a communication with her girlfriend.According to Christian "Nothing aggravates me more than the one word answers, grunts or the slow droning of a conversation where you can tell he's distracted and not focused on what you're saying. " Women can understand that a men is not a phone person and he don't want to always report what he did but a little conversation at least once a day will make a women important to a guy. But when the guy always ignore or mad what a women wants. Women will came up to the decision of breaking.

4.He Thinks He's a Mind Reader.
     -Men hates being called or being reported what they have to do. When a girl once call him, he will think that his girlfriend is thinking something about him. But they don't know that women are just concern or thinking of them and not want they think. 

5.He Hangs With His Friends Too Often
    -Its not a problem that men are hanging out with there friends because it is part of his individual life. But always hanging up to 2 am is another issue. Women may not think that they are doing something with some girls out there but you can't take out that from the women's mind that kind of thing especially when they are always doing that. And when a men always do that, One day will come that their girlfriend will get tired and decide to leave rather than being stress of what attitude the guy has.

6.He Lies
     - Lying is the biggest mistake that a person could do in partner.It involves losing the trust and also lessen the love. No one wants to be lied by someone they trust. Men may do something that a women don't want them to do and when they was caught in the act they will still deny it. That kind of attitude makes the women realize that its better to leave the relationship than having worries.

7.He Works Too Much. 
    - "Yes, many of us ladies want a man with drive and ambition. And there are plenty who are happy to trade in time with their man for a nice house in the Hamptons or trips to Paris three times a year. Those women are not ALL women. Many of us actually want to see you, talk to you, check in with you. Why? Because we like you and like spending time with you. We love a man who has a great work ethic. We're not so crazy about men who love their jobs more than us or who can not prioritize us from time to time".Christian Said. What the author said is right. We want a responsible man with great ambition in your future but having a men who loves his job more than his women is another issue.

8.He Treats Us Differently Around His Friends. 
    -In this reason, Women hates when men treating his girlfriend differently in front of his friends. Shouting on you and always asking you something which is not a request but a commend is not gooy.Its like showing your friend that she's not your girlfriend but your yaya or your friend. Girlfriend are not there to become your yaya who will always follow your commands but they are there to love and be loved.

9.. He's Cheap.
   -Its not good for a girl that is being materialistic and always looking on the price. But as a women it is part of our life of feeling special and important.Women like romantic places and having attention but because you don't have money or you don't want to spend it for a date is not a good attitude. As a boyfriend its your responsibility to make your girlfriend happy and special.

10.He Doesn't Listen.
     -"God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Sometimes we just want you to listen. It's sweet that you want to fix our problems, but what you need to understand is that that's not always what we're looking for. " Christian Said. Ears are made to be used in listening, But sometimes men are don't want to listen especially driamas but as a Boyfriend, its his responsibility to listen to his girlfriend. To know what she thinks, what she wants or what she feel. Not allowing yourself listen to your girlfriend is like making her feel that your not there and she's nothing.

11.He Acts Secretive Or Defensive.
    -Being not expressive or answering questions from his girlfriend will sometimes means your hiding something fishy from your girlfriend. When a guy having this action of being careful and keeping or hiding something with her girlfriend is losing her trust. Its very difficult to think of something that you don't have a proof but it is harder to think we you conscience and instinct is greater than that what you should feel. And when the girl get tired of having that feeling. Its better for her to leave that to stay in that feeling.

Men are the one that should build the relationship. He must always make her girlfriend feel that she is special.Women are always there to be with the man.Sometimes they do things that want guy don't like but most of the time it depends how the guy treat her.

No one can force someone to stay in there lives when that someone doesn't want to stay anymore.Women has their own minds and own feeling, it is maybe me a rule in the society that women should always follow the men. But a man should also understand that a woman has her feelings that a man could not control.Reasons are reasons, but that reasons leads to final decisions.

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